Thursday, August 02, 2007


Getting back on track, really... I know it sounds arrogant, but after weighing down everyone with a heavy dose of hopelessness, I simply found it apt to come back with a post that told everyone who cared that I was alright... We-ell, admittedly, I've made a few careless blunders here and there, but that hasn't been enough to get me down lately.. Dunno... I'm in a rampaging mood lately, and nothing and nobody has been anywhere near close of breaking my spirit...

That same "rampaging mood" has had its costs though... Lately, I find myself snapping to everything and everyone that was too brash to cross me, complaining a lot again on things I promised I'd never complain about again.. Yeah, I know, that I'm not supposed to, what with that fateful post a good two months ago... But I don't know... Call it "mood swings"; happy in a minute, angry at the next... I can't say that they didn't deserve it though; I'd personally find it most queer if I got angry at them if they didn't do anything stupid... I guess they just crossed me at the most inopportune time, too cocky to think that I was someone who was never going to bite or bark back.. Cross me, you won't, else I'll cross you more... Lolz ^^

Meh... It's really been a hodgepodge of emotions, swings here and there.. It's just been a hectic month is all... I've never remembered any time when I was this pressured to do better... My family expects a lot from me, and I expect even more from myself... I guess it's normal... Nobody would like to fail... But failure is success if we learn from it... And I daresay I learned quite a lot this past month.... And for that I am grateful...

Cheers everyone ^^