Monday, March 10, 2008


There were the seemingly little things - you know, the ones that we've all come to take for granted. You think it's a done deal, wrap up, think nothing more of it and move on.

But I guess we all learned something here today. Tempers flaring, decisions done, undone, nights spent drilling, soldering, cutting, burning, minds appeased, our backs against the wall, and we pushing back, we all had a glimpse at death once again. The things we've overlooked are not so little nor as simple at all, for they werelike bombs suddenly exploding when we least expected them.

It wasn't over - not by a long stretch. The slightly faulty supply was finally approved but the equalizer had been outright rejected; but I'm not really talking about his approval, for even when the equalizer finally gets accepted, I'd still have my conscience to nag me that the supply gave more than the what was set.

The months leading up to today had really been harsh. There's slightly more than one week left to go but it is only now that I've personally received my wake up call. It was something I should have contemplated eight months back.

So it all ends here today. This blog, that is. I've always hesitated closing down, feeling guilty of leaving, but duty beckons now more than it ever did. I guess the most important realization today was that I still know absolutely nothing. I understand there are things I have to do that are really, REALLY important.

So there, folks; goodbye.