This is where we begin
The priest went around flailing the vial of holy water about, before finally stopping before me. "You deserve to be blessed," he remarked smiling, the unmistakable yet inexplicable aura emanating from him. I guess I've always held priests in high regard.It wasn't much, and yet I don't think I deserved that kindness, nor any for that matter, because for what I was worth, I guess I deserved to rot in hell. That's not exactly a comforting thought, to say the very least.
But then, at one point or another, we begin to wonder why we're here and ponder the bigger questions, as I did here today. And I guess, I'm still alive because I haven't fulfilled my mission. In fact, I don't think I even know what it is. All I know is that I could still make up for everything I've done, and therefore, if ey is equal to bee, I should.
Knowing what to do and doing it are two very different things. I guess I've always had the chances and the opportunities to turn my life around. It goes without saying, as I'm obviously still stuck in a rut, that I haven't exactly done that.
I've been talking to some friends about how I feel as though I know very little about things. I wonder when and where and how I would come to understand the things I don't understand about school and about life itself. Two words: self doubt.
But I guess, knowing where you lack, you know where to begin, and beginning is winning half the battle. And between the beginning and the end is where you give back.
This is where we begin.