Caution to the winds
Blank.The papers have been sitting in the study for quite some time, idly waiting for an even idler me to write something down - anything down. But I give - I just can't focus.
I realize some people - and some things - are trying to light a fire under me, but I regress, for the lack of a better word. It is not so much as having nothing better to do right now. It is, rather, the truth of having much, much more to do that I inevitably seek the excuse to procrastinate. Pangs of habit, I guess.
Truss analysis was supposed to be the law of the day, coupled with, of course, the inescapable Fourier transform homework that we have somehow managed to put off until now. Meeting either one has somehow proven to be futile; the papers are still blank, and my mind, even blanker. Aggravating all that is, of course, the fact that we start our midterms next week, and we are supposed to submit the final report for the ECE colloquim the week after that, and I haven't started anything. AT ALL.
Classes were canceled today in UST, but I seriously doubt that it was to recover from any brain hemorrhages we might have developed last week (those unpleasant results classes come to mind). In fact, that has simply worsened to an ill-afforded cerebral edema with the allowance of another highly unwelcomed last minute cramming for the usual last minute projects and the even "usual-er" last minute exams. Seriously, aren't we ever given a day off to have a day off?
Somehow, watching the North Hampshire primaries today has just seemed to make that much more sense to me than setting up equations or thinking up of whacked-up designs for the PCB - but, hey, I've done my share of that, too. Thus, of course, the sudden endorsement for Hillary Clinton up front - and yes, she won, with McCain - although, honestly, I'm not really rooting for anyone. The sad part is missing too much of those debates to establish any workable knowledge of the candidates; the sadder part is not establishing any knowledge slash reviewing for tomorrow's test.
Let's just hope she saves me tomorrow.