Pig brains and Vietnamese noodles
My life leaves a lot of things to be desired, and thus, I look for other, better things. It's really been a while since I've - what was that dratted phrase? - gotten my head in the game, and done, I believe, what I had to do. And so while I really intended to verge far away from going simply yet again into having to make the excuse of shifting priorities and all that, I realize that it is, after all, inevitable.Blame it on my selfishness; I've always wanted to work elsewhere, Hongkong maybe, or China or Malaysia, where the culture's diverse, and the food selection's something more than the average Chickenjoy or French fries. I am a foodie, you know, and I eat to live and live to eat. I want to know what's on the other side of the fence, and - I'm sounding like some politicians already - meet other people. Sadly, for others, I'm afraid, getting rich is an inescapable part of that agenda.
Call me materialistic, if that floats your raft, and if that is now equated to the belief - my belief, to be more specific - that adult life is more than just clockwork; that it's more than waking up everyday, working your ass out, paying more taxes and not getting your due. Very stereotypical that, how society brands rich people as evil, evil hogs. Most of the time, it's simply a poor rationalization that people who eventually get tired of complaining how they got stuck in a rut in the first place make. Besides, wanting to get rich and not having values are not even on the same field. While it is undeniable that the former may lead to the other, it doesn't always happen.
Make no mistake about it; getting rich is my means, and not my end, and so I believe as long as I remember to focus on that, obviously unlike how I've gotten so much off topic this time, it seems, I'd be fine.
I guess all I'm saying, is that I'm really reassessing where I went wrong, because somehow, I believe I had a pretty good run for the first quarter of this term, until that downward spiral in mechanics a summative before midterms, and on midterms itself. I realize I have to finally focus, and sadly, make sacrifices.
Blogging, and I've thought really hard about it, isn't one of those sacrifices I have to make, so Zette, you could breathe a sigh of relief now. :P