Twist of Fate
We're gonna have a good time tonight...WOHOOOOO!! I don't believe anything could actually puncture my ecstatic mood today..
Let's celebrate, all night..
Wanna know why?
Ceeee-le-brate good times come on!! Ta na na nat nat nat na na YAHOO!!
Ahahah.. I'm sorry if I was acting like an overgrown baboon.. But honestly now... Wouldn't you act like this if your "grounded status"/"semi-ban" was finally lifted??? Really now.. That's nothing short of fantabulous, if I may say so myself. ^_^
Which means I'd be able to go to tomorrow's final game, pitting my beloved Xerxes against Quasars... and that I'd be able to meet some of my most beloved friends.. ^_^ Too bad we won't be in full attendance, and that some of my other friends like Winnie (and most presumably Sze) won't be there.. Oh well, there's always a next time (that next time being only a short 2-3 weeks away).. And (this goes specifically to Sze) no, I'm not complaining (or making reklamo).. It's just that I'd love to see you guys around sooner rather than later... ^_^
And of course, as some of my friends may have obviously noticed, I'm again able to tag in everyone's boards.. (This was after I had my pc reformatted..) Adding to that, I was also able to have my YM back and running, so I'm probably going to quit aeRO all together and spend more time chatting with my friends.. (Aww)
Now as far as other things go, I managed to shave a decent inch from my overgrowing belly, which is a huge success for me since I'm just a few days into my fitness mania (about 2 days short of a week, if memory serves me correct- WAHH IRON CHEFS)
Speaking of IRON CHEFS, I would like to greet my beloved friend, Rene Pinera, a very very happy birthday!! ^_^ Why Iron Chef?? Hahaha it's a long story.. Basta, my heartfelt greetings to
Iron Chef Japan RENE
saburo Michiba ;)
What else what else?? Hrmm seems I've mentioned all that I wanted to say, so I'd cut my rant a bit shorter. ^_^
Til here I suppose.. Ciao and God bless everyone!! ^_^
Miraculous Comeback
Well it's pretty weird but I can tag again at everyone's boards.. This was of course, after the reformatting blah blah so it may have been so unwanted software that disallowed me to tag.. So.. I just tagged at everybody's (well, at least most of them) tagboard today.. Hehehe..
As for life, nothing much happened today, so I won't write anything else..
Ciao everyone.. ^_^
Seems I've missed a lot of things in my two week absence.. We-ell, I really didn't exactly realize it WAS two weeks already... My, my.. Pardon the cliche, but time indeed moves so swiftly.. I can't imagine that I'm already a month and a half into our vacation already.. I mean, I've barely done anything! Well I've chipped in some chores here and there.. Scanned books, watched tv and the like but damn!! Oh well, my bad I suppose..
I can't believe I missed bidding Jackie a safe trip... I mean, I didn't even know she came back until I was able to scan most of my friend's blogs a little while ago.. Oh well, this may be late (I'm pretty sure it is) but I wish Jackie (if you're reading this) a safe and happy trip.. ^_^ At least it's nice (this is an understatement of course) to know that Mam Contreras is coming back to teach at CKSC... (Hurrah!! ^_^) I promise I'll visit her this coming second year.. ehehehe.. ^_^
Of course that is if my dad finally lifts the semiban he imposed (is this the right word??) over me.. Well, I suppose it's largely due to the fact that I got a 3 over my drawing this sem, which ultimately caused my GA to drop a humongous 0.2... Grr.. Of course, my dad claims he semi-banned me because I was constantly (that is to say, every five minutes heheh ^_^) bugging him to allow me to go to Cavite with some friends, and he was annoyed and tired, hence the semi ban.. Sighs... Semi-ban= curfews up to 1:30pm (the hell?!), 2 hours tv per day, and a very very tight and strict( and whatever adjectives are between those two words) jurisdiction (??) as to whether I'm even allowed to get out of the house.. Simply put, no permission=no getting out.. SIGHSSS.. Ultimately, I was not allowed to the very much anticipated (at least for me) Island Cove "encounter" of sorts... Boohoo.. = ( I swear I'll do better next time.. For sure... (all psyched up.. =) )
On another note however, and a very queer one at that, my dad also gave me a zen neeon to play with, about a week ago, which is nice (Thanks dad ^_^) I've already put much of the english ones in, but the chinese wma's are a pain in the ass to type... Hahahah.. It's so hard to say how much more difficult it is to type in chinese.. I mean.. Shucks.. HAhahaha.. ^_^
Another queer thing is that for the past week, I was barely in the house.. I mean, over 7 days straight, I attended dinner parties, debuts, birthday parties, and balikbayan reunions.. Heck I wasn't even home last night until about 1 in the morning.. Of course, that was the debut of my cousin, but even so... I wasn't even reprimanded even when I smelled like a thousand kegs of red wine.. Hrmm, what happened to the tight jurisdiction this week?? It seemed pretty lax of you asked me.. I suppose I'll try my luck again tonight (permission for Island Cove reunion), just for the record.. ^_^
And yes, I really enjoyed this past week, even though I'm pretty much pooped and wasted... It's definitely fun, I mean... Overly fab and mahveluz.. Hahaha ^_^ Last night was my first sup of wine this year.. Heheh.. Granny and unc also brought us pasalubongs from their trip to Singapore on the holy week.. Too bad we were not able to go, but oh well.. ^_^ And although I am getting quite fat again, it's really nice to unwind and be your true self again with close family and relatives.. ^_^
Which brings me back to my first paragraph... I wasn't able to update over the last two weeks since I was pretty busy with these dinner affairs, so I'm sorry for not updating.. heheh ^_^
Oh well, til here I suppose.. I still need to catch up with my sleep.. Heck, I woke up today at 12 noon.. I wasn't able to do anything, no exercise, no cooking, no nothing.. Hahaha.. And yeah, you read it right, I am exercising, since, as I've said, I'm getting too fat.. I suppose it's time to do something about it.. (Naks, bwahahah )
Ciao.. God bless everyone.. ^_^
Well, I could write a bunch of nothingness again and bore my readers to death...
But I won't.. ^_^
As I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, I could not tag anything over anybody's tagboard from here (at home), and while I can certainly do it in a pc shop, I choose not to since I think it would be a waste of money.. With that being said however, that, of course, doesn't prevent me from extednding my congratulations to everyone from my post... So if Monica happens to be reading this, cheers to you and Nic... More power to you guys ^_^
I also want to congratulate all Lasallians and Benildeans and wish them a very pleasant and well deserved vacation.. ^_^ Jackie pasalubong ko ha?? Bwahahaha!! Just kidding.. ^_^
Anyhoo, as I said I don't want to rant or anything, much less to add another sequel to one of my posts so I will just download a few songs.. ^_^
Cheers to everyone.. God bless us all ^_^
Disappointments Part III
Yeah yeah I know I promised a poem, and an essay, and perhaps some things in between them, but wouldn't you know it?? That "bubble of inspiration" I've been talking about just bursted and my muse isn't back from vacation yet, dang! No wait, let me correct that, my muse did come back- just to slap my sorry ass for being too complacent and announcing something that I would be but didn't... So to all those who were looking forward to it (if there's any of you guys out there) I'm sorry but I need more time.. LE SIGH..
Attended the basketball intersection batch 05-06 opening a little earlier today.. Dang, like how many people were there?? Thirty??? (That's not counting the players of course..) Pretty much... Damn, I thought (and perhaps hoped) at least a quarter of the entire batch's populace would attend but we saw only a twelfths of it.. Dang!! Is everyone studying in Lasalle or CSB?? From what I understand, at least seventy five students from our batch are studying in UST, and twenty five in other schools like Ateneo and UE, and perhaps fifty from CKS College.. Note the word: AT LEAST.. From there we already have at least a hundred and fifty! This is just so damn disappointing... I would understand Lasallians and Benildeans who're probably pouring their hearts out for their upcoming finals (goodluck by the way ^_^), but batchmates from other schools lack in responsiveness.. LE SIGH..
Oh well, someone's trying to get through the phone so I would probably post another one at another time.. Til here.. God bless everyone.. ^_^