Friday, April 07, 2006


Well, I could write a bunch of nothingness again and bore my readers to death...

But I won't.. ^_^

As I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, I could not tag anything over anybody's tagboard from here (at home), and while I can certainly do it in a pc shop, I choose not to since I think it would be a waste of money.. With that being said however, that, of course, doesn't prevent me from extednding my congratulations to everyone from my post... So if Monica happens to be reading this, cheers to you and Nic... More power to you guys ^_^

I also want to congratulate all Lasallians and Benildeans and wish them a very pleasant and well deserved vacation.. ^_^ Jackie pasalubong ko ha?? Bwahahaha!! Just kidding.. ^_^

Anyhoo, as I said I don't want to rant or anything, much less to add another sequel to one of my posts so I will just download a few songs.. ^_^

Cheers to everyone.. God bless us all ^_^