Disappointments Part III
Yeah yeah I know I promised a poem, and an essay, and perhaps some things in between them, but wouldn't you know it?? That "bubble of inspiration" I've been talking about just bursted and my muse isn't back from vacation yet, dang! No wait, let me correct that, my muse did come back- just to slap my sorry ass for being too complacent and announcing something that I would be but didn't... So to all those who were looking forward to it (if there's any of you guys out there) I'm sorry but I need more time.. LE SIGH..Attended the basketball intersection batch 05-06 opening a little earlier today.. Dang, like how many people were there?? Thirty??? (That's not counting the players of course..) Pretty much... Damn, I thought (and perhaps hoped) at least a quarter of the entire batch's populace would attend but we saw only a twelfths of it.. Dang!! Is everyone studying in Lasalle or CSB?? From what I understand, at least seventy five students from our batch are studying in UST, and twenty five in other schools like Ateneo and UE, and perhaps fifty from CKS College.. Note the word: AT LEAST.. From there we already have at least a hundred and fifty! This is just so damn disappointing... I would understand Lasallians and Benildeans who're probably pouring their hearts out for their upcoming finals (goodluck by the way ^_^), but batchmates from other schools lack in responsiveness.. LE SIGH..
Oh well, someone's trying to get through the phone so I would probably post another one at another time.. Til here.. God bless everyone.. ^_^