Cuesticks and Classes
This is just another perfect example of rationalizing:We all need a break from the hassles of everyday living... Clearly, MMO's were not the answer to that, as I had proven after sessions upon sessions of sore butts and cramming... For crying out loud, I almost failed because of playing them!! The problem with online gaming, and general computer and console gaming, for that matter, was that it is not produtive... You kill so and so monster, get experience, level up and that was it... And what after that? Nothing...
I just thought it was time to take on a more productive hobby... One that would keep me sane through the crazy world... I mean, books day in and day out for everyday of your student life is like, as a song went, "suicidal... suicidal..." :P
So here I am, studying pool stances, grips, strokes, aiming, and what not... Yes... I decided to wield the powerful cue stick once again!! :)) Hello pool world!!!
End of Rationalization!
Meh.. Nothing really new... I was supposed to play the part of the Mayor of Townsville in the variety show, but after much deliberation, I really did not think I looked anywhere near him, so I scrapped the idea... Despite that, the week still somehow promises to be one heck of a truck load as it assumes one with so much activities and preparations.. In fact, I have no way to go to the contest of a dear friend as all hands shall be on deck for this week... If you are reading this, I'm really terribly sorry...
Professors all seem to be okay... And subjects which I have unintentionally, or otherwise, failed to concentrate on (aka neglected) the last few semesters have made comebacks as if to redeem me (Physics 1 by Sir Lopez, Differential Equations by Sir Viloria and ECE 1 by Sir Weng come to mind)... But seriously, I am quite relieved that I have some chance of redemption, because I really thought that lost the opportunity to learn what has to be learned... It's just too bad that Sir Vicerra arranged the class alphabetically, which meant that having bad eyesight, and the letter T for the first letter of your surname, equated to a death sentence.. Still, I promise to do some reading on Boylestad to compensate...
Anyhoo, still have some things to do for class... Just took a much needed break (I wish we had a pool table ) :P
Cheerios everyone :D