I warned you didn't I? Give me a few more minutes and I'll scrap this skin again...Ah, how we shall ever become content is truly unfathomable...
So maybe I wasn't that cheerful to keep the other layout... As to why I allow Kenny G's "The First Noel" to playback for just the umpteenth time is well beyond me...
I reckoned after logging out that I needed something more simple for a layout.. This was something I had already used in the past (read- last year) because I fell in love with it the first time I saw it... For the record, I still am...
Nothing much today, really... I've just been too absorbed bloghopping and reading other people's posts that I've virtually forgotten to watch Andrew Zimmern and neglected to study for the EE test this coming Tuesday... Of course, I know I'm only delaying the inevitable...
Six people are online on my messenger, most of them being all too familiar faces... I really want to talk - double posting in a matter of four hours is testament to that - but I don't know what to say, and I have the feeling as if I'm disturbing them (read- the people I ping are either playing or watching anime) so I've given up...
I am waiting for her to come online though, although she's probably invisible to me even if she did. It would be a risky proposition to message her every 20 minutes, hoping that she would be there. I guess I have to be patient and wait for her to, well, make the "wrong" move.
And after that gibberish, I still wonder why I scare some people...
Did I make much sense? Guess not...
Cheers everyone :D