Sunday, September 18, 2005


Talk about mindblowing.. I don't know about you guys, but I watched the UAAP Cheerdance Competition this year, and it's definitely off the chart.. Last year's cheerdance paled completely to this year's, where mediocrity was like a thing of the past.. (for seven of the schools anyways, with the exception of a certain one that sports a secondary color...) New moves.. new gimmicks... and of course, the side bonus of having won for the fourth time (and also with that aforementioned school shooting an arrow off the target).. ^_^ Yeah, it's pretty much obvious what school I'm talking about, and what the hey?! The school pretty much deserves the animosity I feel toward it... Now I want to make it clear that I don't share the same hatred towards my fellow bloggers who actually study in that school.. But puh-lease... "It's better to be green than to be blue"??? Preposterous!! And besides, I don't even hear a single breath coming from the Atenistas, since as a point of fact, they're TOO BUSY STUDYING to make up jingles like those, unlike these complete idiots who seem to have nothing else better to do than make wisecracks that are completely abhorable.. Well, seeing how much they seem to like jingles, how about I relay a good one I heard just a while ago from someone who shares the same loathing as I do... "INAMO *******!!!" But enough about that school, aside from the price of their tuition, there's pretty much nothing else that's high about them...

I just want to congratulate both UP and FEU for victories as 1st and 2nd runner up, respectively, and also to AdU, ADMU, NU and UE for excellent performances.. If only I were one of the guys in the panel, I would have tied UP and UST up on the first spot, because they were both superb... Of course, being a Thomasian, I could never have wished for anything more than this, (what with the rather ugly ranking in the basketball game) as it is actually another feather in our caps, but the fact that UP exemplified great energy coupled with great moves is surely a thing to consider...

As for all Thomasians out there, CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF US, especially to the SALINGGAWI DANCE TROUPE.. Great ideas, tell you that much.. And I also heard one of my most favorite instrumentals ( though it took only a second or two at the most ) as part of their medley... I could have never imagined that bell to toll, and yet they put it there.. ^_^ The mascot was too cute not to mention here.. And the idea of having girls wearing blue and white whatever-you-call-thems emerging from a seemingly all-black background ( as part of the non-stop cheerdancing section) was downright genius.. ^_^

All in all, I'm positively exhilirated.. No words can describe how proud I am to be a Thomasian.. (and not a you-know-what-ian) I guess I have to count not going "there" a blessing in disguise, because truth be told, I actually considered studying "there".. Imagine that... I'd go insane if I took part in their inamo.... er.... I mean.... animo jingles...

So til here.... I have to check up on some things first...

Tata.. God bless us all.. ^_^