Friday, September 16, 2005

Welcome back????

It's been actually awhile since I last updated, that is if you call that short "prayer" an update at all... Almost two weeks as a matter of fact, but I daresay nobody has ever noticed my rather lengthy absence, seeing how barren my tagboard is... Not "barren" per se, but rather "barren" in the sense that only one has cared to tag in since my last update... *My apologies if the last two sentences sounded edgy; I'm just not particularly happy today*

Well, as for why I was absent for a long time?? I'm not really busy, although my professors are more brutal than they have ever been.. In fact, we're nearing our finals, and I rather expected them to be like this what with the three weeks that remain until that "final hurdle"... I'm not really bored either. In fact, I've been toying around with "some of the more common elements" (go figure what I mean) and I'm actually interested in reviving old hobbies and stuff, although of course, I'm still trying to squeeze in those "flash tutorials" that I've been planning to do for some time... As for color/spices/zests in this life of mine, I'll say I have a lot of things going on, although I'm not particularly happy enough today to actually give a recap of everything....

Well, to make things short, I just wanna say "Welcome Back" to myself, and I just wanted to clean the dirty cobwebs that's been growing on my blog due to "my laziness" ... *forces a painful smile on my smug face*

Be updating soon, but then again, maybe not.. I may as well delete the thing the next time I come online if I see too many cobwebs again.. I don't like cleaning, you see??

Til here, cos I don't think I could keep the edge off my tone for any bit longer....
