Saturday, May 06, 2006

First on May

Rotten luck, Nocturna's down again... (sighs)

But it gives me time to update my blog, so I won't complain too much about it....


Again, it's been awhile.. Guess I was too lazy to come online... In fact this is the first time I did this month, if memory serves me correct... Well I did type a humongous pile of paperwork for mom, so I guess it's kinda excusable, is it not? ^_^

Feeling kinda "pre-school bluey", which is a bit weird since I was highly anticipating my second year as a college student.. I'm kinda excited with calculus, although, to be honest, I barely understood a thing from the calculus book I bought a few weeks back... Sigh, I kinda wonder if my brain has rusted over... My dad seems to have noticed too that I was getting slower in solving simple addition and/or multiplication (from SAKmath) so I'm kinda worrying if I would fare well in my math classes this sem..

On another note, this week promises to be yet another hellacious week.. Let's see, a birthday affair tomorrow (Happy birthday A'ma!! ^_^), a sort of a reunion with some of my friends on Monday (sa McDO and Netopia Binondo branch), out of town for three days til Thursday, Megamall on Friday, dental checkup on Saturday, and a wedding on Sunday.... Hrmm, quite busy ain't it?

Oh well, Nocturna's back up so I guess I'll have to continue this next time.. No wait, mom's calling me to cook dinner.. Aww.. Hehehe, filipino chinese style adobo! Yum Hahahah ^_^

Til here then. God bless everyone.